This Sunday October 8th is the day: the 87th Sloterplasloop. We are looking forward to it, hopefully you are too, and with this email we would like to inform you of the latest information.
Please read this carefully!


09:00 start of walk (7,5km)
09:30 start of mother-child run (400m)
10:00 start 1,5 km kids run
10:30 start 5 km
12:00 start 10 km

Late registration

If you have any friends and/or acquaintances who would also like to participate, let them know that we will have post-registration for all competition parts again this year. The prices of the late registration are listed below.

Walk € 7.00
1.5 km kids run € 5.00
5 km € 13.00
10 km € 15.00


There is a cloakroom available, but we ask all participants to come to the start as ready-for-race as possible. Take as little stuff with you as possible. No separate changing facilities are offered.

Collection of starting ticket (and t-shirts)
Applies to all parts, so also to the walkers

In view of the large amount of pre-registrations, we advise everyone to pick up the start number on Saturday at the Run2Day at the Overtoom (345-351). Our volunteers are there between 11:00 and 16:00 ready for you. Of course you can also pick up the start number of your partner and/or running buddies. Pick up is by number (which has been sent to you by mail), so it is not necessary to bring anything.

If you want to pick up the start number on the race day itself, we advise you to be present at least 45 minutes before the start due to the expected crowds.

On Sunday the starting numbers can be picked up in the athletics hall of Sportcentrum Ookmeer. The entrance is diagonally opposite the running track on the Dr. Meurerlaan. Changing clothes and leaving things behind is NOT allowed
The hall closes immediately after the start of the last part!

T-shirts ordered can be picked up on Saturday and Sunday !


Our familiar courses of the 5 and 10k have been measured and certified by the Athletics Union.
Nb. all courses are on pedestrian and bicycle paths. Our course watchers alert other users of the competitions that are going on. Pay attention to your own safety and follow any instructions from traffic controllers.

Start and finish location

The start and finish location of the Sloterplasloop is on the athletics track of AAC (Willinklaan 7, 1067SL Amsterdam). The canteen and a number of toilets are located in the AAC clubhouse.

Outside the club building are the cloakroom (on the other side of the start/finish), a first aid post and extra toilets.